Hey Hypocrite Ronald D. Green, FUCK You,
and the Lawyer you Rode in On.

Seriously, are you the Dumbest Attorney on the Planet?
Why are you Working for the Bad Guys? oH, Right, Greenberg Traurig, and that PESKY 13 Trillion Dollar Technology THEFT your Hiding.. Right.. now I remember..
Hey Why Don't you Come and Get GreenBergTraurigSucks.com ya Hypocritical Fucknet?
See, You Could Sue me, then Charge Greenberg Traurig $10,000 a month, like the Defendants in Your Free Speech THREAT case against ME. Then you could get $100,000 for every Domain Name I have Ever Bought that you Don't Approve of. HOLY WOW. That's Trillions, that would make your Pathetic Life worth Living Right There.
Dearest Dumbshit, Rabid Ronald Green,
your Boss is a Hypocrite, you KNOW that, I know that, THE REAL WORLD KNOWS THAT, are you really going to get INDICTED for RICO and Racketeering, just cuz your all BUTT HURT?
I did not Just CRY RICO, Shit for Brains, I Intend to Remain Dedicated to Proving it, thought I would Start on my New Blog JosephRakofsky.com ~ Looks Like a GREAT Place to Start with the Ol' Pattern and History Legal Theory I am Working on... oH Rats, you Probably have a Trademark, a Copyright on that Too? Oh WELL, my Bad. SORRY ~
Seriously DUDE, Read the PROOF, its everywhere. Don't Ya Know what RICO Smells Like?
You KNOW Where to Serve Me.
Seriously DUDE, Read the PROOF, its everywhere. Don't Ya Know what RICO Smells Like?
Your "STUD" is NOT of the White Light. But hey, we all got causes we Martyr for, I guess HE is yours? oH, right, he does give good head I hear, so.. .. maybe that's why you are so Loyal to him beyond logical comprehension, and beyond actual LAWS and the Actual Constitution. And maybe that's your Obsession with Stealing ALL those "SUCKS" sites that your dumb asses USE to DEFEND, back in the day.
oh Sorry am I offending your
Delicate Senses Ronny Bo Bonny?
Well Fuck Ya Then !!
GO Get One of your JUDGES to
Paddle MY ASS.
(secretly I hope she's Hotttt)
Paddle MY ASS.
(secretly I hope she's Hotttt)

and Claim you have a God Damn Trademark on the Word "Green"?
I mean come on that is what your Above the Law Boss is Claiming, I mean GREEN is your Last Name Right?
Oh and I can't say your Boss's Last Name, cuz of a GAG Order, well then you Porn Industry Fucknut, Hypocrite Attorney ASSHOLES don't get to use the word COCKS, oH I mean Cox,
so GaG on that Mother Fucker.
Why Do you Boys Gotta be a CoxBlocker?
Don't I have a First Amendment Right to Bitch About People
I don't Like on the Internet, or have the "Terrorists" WON?
Oh I am sure You Will Get this Blog Deleted, Removed, Suppressed or STOLEN like the hundreds of other blogs and domain names you Hypocrites have STOLEN in the Name of Free Expression, Free Speech, and the First Amendment.
I don't Like on the Internet, or have the "Terrorists" WON?
Oh I am sure You Will Get this Blog Deleted, Removed, Suppressed or STOLEN like the hundreds of other blogs and domain names you Hypocrites have STOLEN in the Name of Free Expression, Free Speech, and the First Amendment.
oH Well I am Posting it Anyway.
May the "shimmery force field of
First Amendment protection" Be With Me
First Amendment protection" Be With Me
Certainly we can't have the Terrorists Winning and it is my constitutional RIGHT to "bitch" about people I don't like on the INTERNET Right?
Hey Ron, Ol Buddy, Remember this QUOTE, by your Bitch?
"Although Ms. Cox seems to be guilty of many crimes against good graphic design and standard capitalization, her blog posts on the subject of Obsidian Financial should fall under the shimmery force field of First Amendment protection because if you can’t bitch about people you don’t like on the web, then the terrorists have won. "
For more on that Butt Hurt Hypocrisy, Check out the Link Below
So Now Back to the Actual POST which is to SHOW the HYPOCRITICAL Opposite Defense of the Jackasses of District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL in Connection to Irina Chevaldina, Appellant, Appellate Case No. 3D12-3189.
Irina Chevaldina, Appellant vs. R.K./FI Management, INC. ( Raanan Katz is the founder and principal owner of RK Associates ). Appellate Case No. 3D12-3189 is on Appeal from the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, In and For Dade County, Florida Case NO. 11-17842-CA32, Judge Ellen Leesfield.
Read the Legal Filing Below and See if you NOTE any Hypocrisy, or EXACT Opposite Legal Defenses involving the SAME Law Firm.
State of Nevada Case 212-cv-02040-GMN-PAL in Connection to Irina Chevaldina, Appellant, Appellate Case No. 3D12-3189.
Stayed Tuned For Every Hypocritical Detail of These DUMB Asses
Contradictory Lawsuits and Hypocritical Defenses.
Contradictory Lawsuits and Hypocritical Defenses.

I suppose you STUPID, Evil Las Vegas FUCKERS are going to Say you have a Trademark on that one TOO... Hurry, QUICK, Run Get an Injunction on my Ass.
Can you Say RICO ? Can you Say "Indictment" ??
It'oK if you Can't Say it YET, I will Provide Training Soon.
Oh and did I say, Fuck YOU.. well if not that's CERTAINLY What I Meant, YOU Evil ASSHOLES. Its Your Come to JESUS Party and if YOU Kill Me as your Cronies Threaten, well I would Like to Say in Advance, Fuck YOU for That TOO.
Guaranteed, My VOICE Exposing your Dumb, Hypocritical, Unconstitutional, UnLAWFUL, Evil Asses.. WILL Live ON.. So Go Ahead Motherfucker ~ Make My Day !! Threaten me with Heaven.
Seriously, Now Ronald Dumb Green, I care about you and want whats best for you. Now STOP lying to that thar JUDGE, and be a Good Boy.
Oh and READERS Check Out some more on these Hypocrites
If Sites are Deleted by First AMENDMENT Hater Ronald D. Green, eMail me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com or SavvyBroker@Yahoo.com, I got that SHIT backed up. And so do hundreds of other ACTUAL Free Speech / First Amendment Supporters.
Oh the Hypocrisy of State of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL. See Irina Chevaldina, Appellant Case No. 3D12-3189, Eleventh Judicial Circuit Dade County, Florida Case NO. 11-17842-CA32, Judge Ellen Leesfield. Note the Legal Argument Seems to be the Exact Opposite Defense as in State of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL involving the SAME Issues and some of the same "Parties", Lawyers, Law Firms.
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