I Guess Marc Randazza is Willing to Lose YOUR Rights to Benefit His.
Marc J. Randazza sure is Setting some NASTY Precedence in Unconstitutional Preliminary Injunctions.
.. a First Amendment Hero? Really?
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox Calls BULLSHIT on that One.

First Amendment Attorney, Porn Industry Attorney Marc J. Randazza is a Hypocrite

I wonder if it is EXTORTION for Marc Randazza to tell someone that he won't sue them, if they will CONSPIRE with him against Crystal Cox? Geez wonder if we will have any witness testify to that one?
.. then there is the eMails to Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung where Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group tried to get her to conspire against his Former Client Crystal Cox, and there is the Glen Beck Domain Name, the Rant on Preliminary Injunction in the Katz case, the Sandra Fluke Blather and so much more that King of FLIP Flop, Hypocrite Marc Randazza Spouts.
Larry Flynt is Free Speech Hero. Marc Randazza is a BULLY, an Idiot, a Hypocrite, a Coward, a Liar, an Attorney Who Back Stabs his Clients after he gets what he wants from them.
Watch the Larry Flynt Movie Trailer

"Unpopular Speech is Vital to the Health of Our Nation", YET if that Speech is about the Big Baby, Above the Law, Whiny Butthurt Free Speech Attorney Marc John Randazza. Then it SHALL be SQUASHED, cuz um, he know people and legal stuff and he will make that SHIT happen.
You don't have to Like what I do Marc Randazza, but you SURE LOVE my CONSTITUTIONAL Right to Do It, oh but only when it applies to you. See Judges, Attorneys, David Carr Journalist, Kashmir Hill Journalist, NPR Reporter Bob Garfield, well they seem to THINK that I am ONE person in this WORLD that the First Amendment SHOULD not apply to.
Marc Randazza has STRIPPED me of my Rights and DO I Have a "Strong Civil Liberties" case on my hands? NOPE, Marc Randazza is the Gatekeeper of Constitutional Law, and he will damn well say who the constitution applies to and who it does not.
Larry Flynt, First Amendment Rights

Hey Marc Randazza, in the Words of Larry Flynt, SHOVE IT.
You do not have the right to treat me as you have from the first conversation we had. You do not have the right to conspire with opposing counsel against me. You do not have the right to retaliate against a former client blowing the whistle on you. You do not have the right to bully me, threaten me, harass me, lie about me, defame me. You do not have the right to LIE in court documents about activities I have never done, in order to suit your own EVIL Agenda. SHOVE IT Marc Randazza.
I suppose, Larry Flynt saying that gives you a BONER But me saying it will have you whining to your JUDGE over it.. wa wa. PULL UP YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES and DEAL with it, ASSHOLE.
FREEDOM of the Press ~ not on Marc Randazza's Watch
Research Links on the Hypocrisy of
Marc J. Randazza and Randazza Legal Group
For more the Lawsuit filed by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, now Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox AGAINST Marc J. Randazza and ALLEGED Co-Conspirators, you can view the District of Nevada RICO Complaint District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF, at the link below.
Many of these Named Defendants in Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox's RICO Complaint
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF are also named in, Alleged Conspiracy
in Rakofsky V. the Internet, a New York Legal Proceeding.
Rakofsky V. the Internet, Complaint
Rakofsky V. the Internet Objection to Marc Randazza Motion
AND many of these Defendants are also named in the RICO Complaint of the Biggest Technology THEFT in the World, iViewit Technology Company, founded by Inventor Eliot Bernstein.
iViewit Technology RICO Complaint
iViewit Technology SEC Complaint
iViewit Technology Evidence
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