I, Crystal COX, am a SEARCH Engine GOD, and Marc Randazza is Treated as a FIRST Amendment Messiah, YET he is a SEARCH Engine Ranking Heist Master and a Spineless Coward of the Courts, a Petty Thief Stealing Placement in the Search Engines because he is TOO Damn Dumb to work for it, or buy it. Rabid Randazza, Free Speech GOD, kicks back as his Minions Lay at this feet waiting for his every "dripping" Word of First Amendment Gibberish, worshiping his idiotic legal "not so genius". Meanwhile HE Pulls out his First Amendment Dick and WHIPS a Female Blogger with It.. THEY Call her.. Crystal Cox with Balls of Steel.. (kind of catchy isn't it.. ) She keeps Taking It.. TURNS out she kind of LIKES it..
"“Marc Randazza is one of the most prominent First Amendment lawyers in the country, yet he isn’t first on Google. He isn’t even on the first page by any marketing he’s paid for — he’s just there, in the middle, because he’s caught the attention of another member of the Bar.
“The question is whether you want to be a lawyer that other lawyers write about (positively), or whether you want to just pay for or create a fake reputation."
Source of Above Quote
Pro Se Litigant Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Says: Or you can PAY $350 and Get a Judge to Give you a Preliminary Injunction regarding a Trademark you Don't Have, and Just Take the Domain Names.. or $500 for a WIPO Complaint, where you can LIE, Defame, Present False Evidence and simply Steal Google Ranking. And avoid all that hard work, experience, and marketing expense.
I, Pro Se Litigant Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, NEVER ever blogged about Randazza's child, but I did take over the search engines top ten to expose his hypocritical, EVIL Ass. And so he simply TOOK all my blogs and domain names through WIPO and his INSTANT access to the Courts and Judicial Decisions. AND WaLa magic Internet Marketing by CORRUPTION.
Marc Randazza took the first page of search results FROM Me by Suing me, taking my Domain Names and Blogs via a Preliminary Injunction and Lying to WIPO, then he redirected all those high ranking domain names to ONE Blog Post Defaming Me, and he calls that Free Speech RIGHTS.
AND Some More.. Get YOUR Hip Waders NOW..
"Read between the lines. Even though Tannebaum sounds like a lawyer who’s embittered by the lack of his own Google net worth, he might not want to trade places on Google with Randazza right now for all the tea in Massachusetts, Florida, California, Arizona, and Nevada, the states Randazza’s licensed to practice in.
Because of a defamation case, Randazza’s three year-old daughter, ...., has become the target of Internet terrorism. Even the mob keeps kids out of it, but not Crystal Cox apparently.
Cox, a blogger, is a Montana woman who calls herself an investigative journalist. I’m including a YouTube clip of Cox. Cox strikes me as a very rough customer who’s overamped, obnoxious and apparently finds it difficult to hone in and focus. Judge for yourself what Cox might be capable of.
So far Cox has been capable of attempted intimidation of a three year-old child. Even Forbes magazine took sides by revealing Cox for what she is."
Source of Above Quote
LIAR Liar Pants on Fire Marc ROTTEN Randazza, and Lying Evil BITCH Kashmir HILL have Ignorant Bloggers who can't read facts, such as this guy, believing I tried to intimidate a 3 year old, which is flat out non-fact, gibberish, un-TRUTH and nonsense.
Next He gets his rocks off by making fun of my videos... oh SNAP.. Hey Fuckhead, it's my video, if you don't like my "Independent Product" don't watch it, MOVE On. I have fun, I report the story, I tell my experience, I enjoy it and I have EVERY First Amendment Right to Do So. Who cares if I seem rough to you, if I am "overamped" and having fun with my story.. I mean really.. that's what your getting out of all this? What a Dumb ass you are..
Your making fun of me because you are not smart enough to get all my SUBJECT matter I cover at once so you say I can't Focus.. seems to me you simply can't "comprehend".
NONSENSE and "obnoxious" Gibberish I Say.. but gee.. now what was I saying.. oh yeah.. I was all out of focus.. on a tangent and not I am Back..
You have no LEGAL right to flat out LIE about me, which you do many times in this article as you post "nonsense" about defamation of a 3 year old of which I NEVER published her name, photo, nor had a blog on her, and you NAME her. That attack on a 3 year old was STAGED, Lied about by Marc Randazza, the DAD.. and Kashmir Hill, the Lying Defaming Bitch.. Never Happened..
Did you See the Alleged Blog? NO..
Because there NEVER was ONE.
This ignoramus, with no facts, with actual malice, accused me of Internet Terrorism of a 3 years old, pure nonsense. Rabid Randazza LIED and all you IDIOTS ate it up. Talk about someone who is defending the WRONG person, this guy is a real hypocrite.. bitching about Brian Tannenbaum, but doing the SAME THING.. sucking up to Big Daddy Randazza.
oh and as for this ASSHOLE, "Cox strikes me as a very rough customer who’s overamped, obnoxious and apparently finds it difficult to hone in and focus." Why don't you "hone" your lips in on my ASS. You are are a clueless FUCKNUT. .. so Neener Neener ...
My Ninth Circuit Case, will FURTHER enable guys like this to spout gibberish lies. Dig deep folks and find the facts to all this. Marc Randazza has LIED about Pro Se Litigant Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox OVER and OVER, and is COMPLETELY above the LAW.
.. . now where was I.. lost my damn FOCUS again.. what WILL the Randazza Fan Club think of me now.. ?? OMG.. If only I could FOCUS.. .. Hey there Goes a Butterfly..
P.S. Fuck You Bad BOYS !!
I am NOT afraid of your DEMONS. I am not afraid of your threats, not afraid of MILLIONS in your FUCKED up, EVIL, Corrupt Judgments based on a LIE. I am not afraid of PRISON, not afraid of Death, Beatings Arouse Me, and you have already taken EVERYTHING from me and RUINED my Reputation, MY LIFE and ALL because I spoke up to help Victims of CORRUPTION that had NO VOICE but me. Yep, a HERO.. a SAINT.. that's me.. And You all get your ROCKS of on PUNISHING me, Defaming Me, Ruining me, LYING about me.. and WHY? Cuz I bought a $10 Domain Name, Your Asshole Circle Jerk Buddy did not approve of and REFUSED to SIT down SHUT UP and do as he Told me To?
Oh Well.. BRING IT, FUCKERS.. I Fear No EVIL ..
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