Randazza Legal Group, Gets what Marc Randazza WANTS. Marc Randazza is a Hypocrite, he is above the Law, and manipulates the Laws to suit his own agenda at the EXPENSE of the First Amendment Rights of you ALL.
See, thanks to Dumbdazza, now, whenever you talk about some Dick of an Attorney, or call his wife names, well that winy ass can tell a Judge, hey that's a Trademark Violation, Give me a TRO and simply transfer the websites, blogs, domain names to my whiny ASS, with No First Amendment Adjudication, no Due Process, and well no rights at all for the ONE who rightfully owns the search engine ranking and intellectual property. Oh then they will lie to big media, national publications, legal bloggers, radio and who ever they can to ruin you life.
Oh and don't forget they will get their thugs to threaten your life, your job, put out what kind of car you drive and with you DEATH. oH and the Nevada Judges will simply say that's ok, you are NOT in Danger, but poor little baby marco is.. so quick TRO.
Randazza Legal Group is the Worlds most HYPOCRITICAL Law Firm.
Randazza Law Firm Claims to, NOT want to Harm the First Amendment, yet Sues Ex Client for Exercising her Free Speech Right to Criticize Marc Randazza and Randazza Legal Group.

the Randazza Legal Group Site says, "“I am for the First Amendment from the first word to the last. I believe it means what it says.” - Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black
"When someone tries to do harm to the First Amendment, we get upset. Our firm’s credo is that we shall not cause harm to the First Amendment, nor though inaction allow the First Amendment to come to harm.
Whether it is an over-zealous government official trying to squelch our First Freedom, or it is a spoiled and tempestuous party bringing an unfounded defamation suit, we’ve been there, and we’ve stood up for our fellow citizens’ First Amendment rights.
If someone has threatened your First Amendment rights, we are likely up to the job. In doing so, we do not turn you away because your speech is unpopular. That is the point of the First Amendment. We don’t need Constitutional protection for speech we all like — it is there precisely to protect that which challenges our beliefs and which pushes us outside our comfort zone.
We frequently help people who find that the rich guy they criticized has skin too thin and a wallet too fat for his own good. When that is the case, we love getting involved. Teaching bullies a lesson is our favorite pastime, especially when the First Amendment is at stake. Government officials trying to shut down your venue, your strip club, your protest? We want to help.
Whatever the case, we seek to preserve the First Amendment and ensure the right to free speech, however small or persecuted the speaker."
Source of Hypocritical, Non-Sensical, Dipshit Drama Disguised as Free Speech Advocates
Marc Randazza IS that "thin skinned rich guy". Marc Randazza is the whiny baby with the wallet to fat for his own good. Marc Randazza is the KING of, hey let's persecute the Speaker, cuz.. um wa wa she called me names, spoke harsh of me and called my wife a SLUT.
Yet Marc Randazza has single handily established Court Records that make it so that anyone can suppress your Free Speech simply by claiming you Bitching about them or calling their wife names is a Lanham Act Violation, a Trademark Violation and wala, as if Magic Powers, Marc Randazza SHUTS down your Online Speech speaking critical of him and his law firm, just like that.
oh and Don't forget what he tried to do to me, Blogger Crystal Cox, in my MASSIVELY important Free Speech Case Obsidian v. Cox when Marc Randazza tried to SABOTAGE my appeal. An Appeal which is VERY important to ALL online Speech, New Media, Ant-Corruption Bloggers, Free Press Online, Whistleblowers and Citizen Journalists.
Dumbshit, Anti-Constitutional Lawyer, Marc Randazza has single handily established Court Records that make it so that anyone can suppress your Free Speech simply by claiming you Bitching about them or calling their wife names is a Lanham Act Violation, a Trademark Violation and wala, a Judicial Miracle, Marc Randazza SHUTS down your Online Speech speaking critical of him and his law firm, just like that. DONE, You are Next.
oh and Don't forget what he tried to do to me, Blogger Crystal Cox, in my MASSIVELY important Free Speech Case Obsidian v. Cox when Marc Randazza tried to SABOTAGE my appeal. An Appeal which is VERY important to ALL online Speech, New Media, Ant-Corruption Bloggers, Free Press Online, Whistleblowers and Citizen Journalists.
Marc Randazza is a Dangerous man, not only to YOUR life, your children, Porn Whistleblower, Citizen Journalist and Clients who don't sit down and SHUT UP, but also to the First Amendment itself.
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