Complaint Filed with District of Nevada by Pro Se Litigant Crystal Cox
posted Upon Belief and Knowledge of Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox. In Support of all of THEIR Victims. Joseph Rakofsky ~ Rakofsky v. The Internet. Internet Mob EXPOSED. Philly Law Blog,, Eric Turkewitz, J. Malcom DeVoy, Mark Bennett and More EXPOSED. Internet Mobbing. Attorney Gang Stalking EXPOSED.
- Randazza Legal Group
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Marc Randazza
- Free Speech Lawyer Sues Blogger to Suppress Free Speech
- Cox v. Randazza and Alleged Conspirators, Nevada RICO Docket Click Here
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Senate Press Gallery has granted SCOTUSblog a press credential.
"Press credential We’re very pleased to say that the Senate Press Gallery has granted our reporter Lyle Denniston a press credential as a representative of SCOTUSblog. The Supreme Court’s general practice, which we expect to apply in this case, is to recognize Senate credentials. We are very grateful for the thoughtful consideration we received from everyone involved."
Remember when SCOTUSblog discussed getting a Press Credential in the Amicus Brief of the Crystal Cox Case, Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox ?
Lyle Denniston and the ScotusBlog issues of press pass in the Cox Amicus
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
951 Land Holdings LTD and GBFC Development Plaintiff, Fiddler's Creek Foundation Inc. v. James A. Schutt. Odd Marc Randazza has been SUED by Blogger Crystal Cox and has not acknowledged. Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is a Hypocrite
Looks like the Riddler has a New Gig representing James A. Schutt, WOW Really?
951 Land Holdings LTD and GBFC Development Plaintiff v. James A. Schutt
Marc J. Randazza is a Hypocrite, a Liar, a Bully, and STRIPS the First Amendment Right of Whom ever He Pleases.
Blogger Crystal Cox FIGHTS back against Hypocrite Troll Attorney Marc Randazza. Check out the Following Research Links.
Florida, Nevada Free Speech / Porn Attorney Marc J. Randazza files a Frivolous, Costly SLAPP suit against Blogger Crystal Cox, a former client criticizing him online.
Blogger Crystal Cox FIGHTS Back and Files a RICO / Racketteering Complaint
RICO Docket ~ District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-MMD-VCF
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-MMD-VCF Complaint ( Cox vs. Randazza),%20COX%20vs.%20Randazza.%20Racketeer/Corrupt%20Organization%20Jurisdiction:%20Diversity%20Case
Hypocritical Research Regarding Marc J. Randazza
Want More? Gotta a Craving for SHIT about the HYPOCRITE Attorney I call the "Riddler"?
eMail me, or give me a Call at (406) 624-9510. I am dedicated to exposing corruption, and helpng the public to be safe from hypocritical, dangerous attorneys who work for organized crime. YES, I believe Marc Randazza does, in my OPINION.
Also I noticed that Tobin & Reyes is in Boca Raton, so you may want to have coffee with Todd A. Levine at Kluger and Kaplan. He don't like Mr. Riddler either. And oh SNAP, Randazza removed himself from that case. See he could not SAVE FACE. Defending that BLOGGER yet SUING me, a BLOGGER.
a Bit More ..
Marc J. Randazza CAN Dish it, BUT boy oh boy, Marc J. Randazza cannot Take It.
Marc J. Randazza is unethical.
Marc J. Randazza is unconstitutional when it comes to anyone upsetting his "apple cart" and exposing him or his porn industry clients.

Marc J. Randazza is above the law. Marc J. Randazza LIES about Trademarks in federal courts and to the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Marc J. Randazza betrays his clients and gives privileged information to opposing counsel WITHOUT permission.
Marc J. Randazza lies to federal court.
Marc J. Randazza bully's witnesses, acting as his own attorney in cases where he has "representation".
So 951 Land Holdings LTD, GBFC Development, Fiddler's Creek Foundation Inc NEED an ALLY, or the Scoop about Hypocrite Attorney Marc J. Randazza, eMail me at .
My name is Crystal L. Cox, I am an investigative BLOGGER. Marc Randazza has DEFAMED me, Lied to Me, threatened me, harassed me, sued me, conspired against my rights and more. I am a SWORN enemy of Marc Randazza for LIFE. Any dirt you got on him, videos, documents.. ANYTHING, email me. And if he or his cronies kill me, that email will still be checked and he will STILL be EXPOSED.
Marc J. Randazza will probably remove himself as attorney for Defendant James A. Schutt. See defending a blogger, and the Plaintiff's attorney finding out about Randazza v. Cox, and exposing him for it, well in my opinion that is what led to his reclusal in the Katz Case, AFTER I posted his argument in favor of a blogger, YET he was hypocritically suing a blogger, ME, in the exact opposite defense.
oH and Rabid Randazza, DEVIL Man. If your Reading this, FUCK YOU. Even in my DEATH, I will EXPOSE you. YOU will NOT Destroy Me MotherFUCKER ~ so Neener Neener.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
"Complaint Filed Against NYS "Ethics" Employees for Illegal Wiretapping". " evidence supports allegations that over a ten-year-plus period of time, certain NYS employees participated in the widespread practice of illegal wiretapping"
"Complaint Filed Against NYS "Ethics" Employees for Illegal Wiretapping"
... the widespread illegal wiretapping included targeted
P.O. Box 3493
New York, New York 10163
202-374-3680 tel
202-827-9828 fax
April 3, 2013
Robert Moossy, Jr., Section Chief
Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
via facsimile # 202-514-6588
RE: Formal Complaint Against New York State Employees Involving
Constitutional Violations, including widespread illegal wiretapping
Dear Mr. Moossy,
In researching and reporting on various acts of corruption in and about the New York State Court System, specific reviewed evidence supports allegations that over a ten-year-plus period of time, certain NYS employees participated in the widespread practice of illegal wiretapping, inter alia.
As these individuals were in supervisory positions at “ethics oversight” committees, the illegal wiretapping largely concerned attorneys and judges, but their actions also targeted other individuals who had some type of dealings with those judicial and attorney “ethics” committees.
The NY state-employed individuals herein complained of include New York State admitted attorneys Thomas Joseph Cahill, Alan Wayne Friedberg, Sherry Kruger Cohen, David Spokony and Naomi Freyda Goldstein.
At some point in time shortly after 9/11, and by methods not addressed here, these individuals improperly utilized access to, and devices of, the lawful operations of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (the “JTTF”).
These individuals completely violated the provisions of FISA, ECPA and the Patriot Act for their own personal and political agendas. Specifically, these NY state employees essentially commenced “black bag operations,” including illegal wiretapping, against whomever they chose- and without legitimate or lawful purpose.
To be clear, any lawful act involving the important work of the JTTF is to be applauded. The herein complaint simply addresses the unlawful access- and use- of JTTF related operations for the personal and political whims of those who improperly acted under the color of law. Indeed, illegally utilizing JTTF resources is not only illegal, it is a complete insult to those involved in such important work.
In fact, hard-working and good-intentioned prosecutors and investigators (federal and state) are also victims here, as they were guided and primed with knowingly false information.
Operations involving lawful activity- and especially as part of the important work of the JTTF and related agencies- are not at issue here. This complaint concerns the illegal use and abuse of such lawful operations for personal and political gain, and all such activity while acting under the color of law.
This un-checked access to highly-skilled operatives found undeserving protection for some connected wrong-doers, and the complete destruction of others- on a whim, including the pre-prosecution priming of falsehoods (“set-ups”). The aftermath of such abuse for such an extended period of time is staggering.
It is believed that most of the 1.5 million-plus items in evidence now under seal in Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case #09cr405 (EDNY) supports the fact, over a ten-year-plus period of time, of the illegal wiretapping of New York State judges, attorneys, and related targets, as directed by state employees.
To be sure, the defendant in #09cr405, Frederick Celani, is a felon who is now regarded by many as a conman. Notwithstanding the individual (Celani), the evidence is clear that Celani once supervised lawful “black bag operations,” and, further, that certain NYS employees illegally utilized access to such operations for their own illegal purposes. (Simple reference is made to another felon, the respected former Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals, Sol Wachtler, who many believe was victimized by political pre-priming prosecution.)
In early February, 2013, I personally reviewed, by appropriate FOIL request to a NYS Court Administrative Agency, over 1000 documents related to the herein complaint. Those documents, and other evidence, fully support Celani’s claim of his once-lawful supervisory role in such JTTF operations, and his extended involvement with those herein named. (The names of specific targeted judges and attorneys are available.)
One sworn affidavit, by an attorney, confirms the various illegal activity of Manhattan’s attorney “ethics” committee, the Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”), which includes allowing cover law firm operations to engage in the practice of law without a law license. Specifically, evidence (attorney affidavits, etc.) supports the claim that Naomi Goldstein, and other DDC employees supervised the protection of the unlicensed practice of law. The evidence also shows that Ms. Goldstein knowingly permitted the unlicensed practice of law, over a five-year-plus period of time, for the purpose of gaining access to, and information from, hundreds of litigants.
Evidence also supports the widespread illegal use of “black bag operations” by the NYS employees for a wide-range of objectives: to target or protect a certain judge or attorney, to set-up anyone who had been deemed to be a target, or to simply achieve a certain goal. The illegal activity is believed to not only have involved attorneys and judges throughout all of the New York State, including all 4 court-designated ethics “departments,” but also in matters beyond the borders of New York.
Other evidence points to varying and widespread illegal activity, and knowledge of such activity, by these and other NYS employees- all of startling proportions.
For example:
For example:
- The “set-up” of numerous individuals for an alleged plot to bomb a Riverdale, NY Synagogue. These individuals are currently incarcerated. The trial judge, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon, who publicly expressed concerns over the case, saying, “I have never heard anything like the facts of this case. I don’t think any other judge has ever heard anything like the facts of this case.” (2nd Circuit 11cr2763)
- The concerted effort to fix numerous cases where confirmed associates of organized crime had made physical threats upon litigants and/or witnesses, and/or had financial interests in the outcome of certain court cases.
- The judicial and attorney protection/operations, to gain control, of the $250 million-plus Thomas Carvel estate matters, and the pre-prosecution priming of the $150 million-plus Brooke Astor estate.
- The thwarting of new evidence involving a mid 1990‘s “set-up” of an individual, who spent over 4 years in prison because he would not remain silent about evidence he had involving financial irregularities and child molestation by a CEO of a prominent Westchester, NY non-profit organization. (Hon. John F. Keenan)
- The wire-tapping and ISP capture, etc., of DDC attorney, Christine C. Anderson, who had filed a lawsuit after being assaulted by a supervisor, Sherry Cohen, and after complaining that certain evidence in ethics case files had been improperly destroyed. (See SDNY case #07cv9599 - Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin, U.S.D.J.)
- The eToys litigation and bankruptcy, and associates of Marc Dreir, involving over $500 million and the protection by the DDC of certain attorneys, one who was found to have lied to a federal judge over 15 times.
- The “set-up” and “chilling” of effective legal counsel of a disabled woman by a powerful CEO and his law firms, resulting in her having no contact with her children for over 6 years.
- The wrongful detention for 4 years, prompted by influential NY law firms, of an early whistleblower of the massive Wall Street financial irregularities involving Bear Sterns and where protected attorney-client conversations were recorded and distributed.
- The blocking of attorney accountability in the $1.25 billion Swiss Bank Holocaust Survivor settlement where one involved NY admitted attorney was ultimately disbarred- in New Jersey. Only then, and after 10 years, did the DDC follow with disbarment. (Gizella Weisshaus v. Fagan)
Additional information will be posted on
The allegations of widespread wiretapping by New York’s so-called “ethics” committees were relayed to New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on February 15, 2013, and to the DDC Chairman Mr. Roy R. L. Reardon, Esq., who confirmed, on March 27, 2013, his knowledge of the allegations. (Previously, on March 25, 2013, I had written to DDC Deputy Chief Counsel Naomi Goldstein, copying Mr. Reardon, of my hope that she would simply tell the truth about the improper activity, inter alia.)
New York judges and lawyers, and obviously the public, deserve immediate action to address the widespread corruption in and about New York’s so-called “ethics” oversight entities.
Please take immediate action regarding this troubling issue, and so as to continue the DOJ’s efforts to help all New Yorkers restore their faith in their government.
U.S. Attorney Loretta E. Lynch via facsimile 718-254-6479 and 631-715-7922
U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Section via facsimile 202-307-1379, 202-514-0212
The Hon. Arthur D. Spatt, via facsimile 631-712-5626
The Hon. Colleen McMahon via facsimile 212-805-6326
Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin via facsimile 212-805-7920
Assistant U.S. Attorney Demetri Jones via facsimile 631-715-7922
Assistant U.S. Attorney Perry Carbone via facsimile 914-993-1980
Assistant U.S. Attorney Brendan McGuire via 212-637-2615 and 212-637-0016
FBI SSA Robert Hennigan via facsimile 212-384-4073 and 212-384-4074
Pending SEC Chair Mary Jo White via facsimile 212-909-6836"
Source of Post
Christine Anderson Whistle Blower Case
U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, Civil Case Number 1:07-cv-09599-SAS.
(Anderson v. The State of New York et al)
Eliot Bernstein / iViewit RICO Legally Related to Christine Anderson Case
iViewit Technology Legally Related Case
Connected RICO District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Case Docket
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF RICO / Racketeering / Defamation /
Harassment / Hate Crime Complaint Filing.,%20COX%20vs.%20Randazza.%20Racketeer/Corrupt%20Organization%20Jurisdiction:%20Diversity%20Case
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Odd that Kashmir Hill, Forbes "Journalist" is reporting on the John Steele Story, yet Supported Porn Attorney Marc Randazza for this same activity. Kashmir Hill DEFAMED blogger Crystal Cox, flat out lied about a blog about a 3 year old and defended copyright lawyer Marc Randazza, and yet now is reporting on the same things I was saying and am reporting about Marc Randazza and Randazza Legal Group.
Kashmir Hill wrote a GREAT article about Prenda Law and John Steele. Not sure why she is Blind to Marc Randazza, Porn Attorney, "Copyright Lawyer"?
"Porn Copyright Lawyer John Steele, Who Has Sued More Than 20,000 People, Is Now The One In Legal Trouble"
Guess What, "Kash" YOU and Marc Randazza and ALL named in Cox v. Randazza will soon be in the SAME "Legal Trouble" should a "Neutral" judge come to the case.
Article Quotes and a Few words from the Blog AUTHOR, me... "ENEMY" of LIAR Kashmir Hill. However, that being said let's take a look at few things.
"“It should be clear by now that this court’s focus has shifted from protecting intellectual property rights to attorney misconduct.” — US District Judge Otis Wright"
This is Exactly what Attorney Marc Randazza has done in Randazza v. Cox and other Copyright Troll cases, and somehow get's judges to cooperate. Marc Randazza, Ronald Green, J. Malcom DeVoy and Randazza Legal Group have seriously violated my violated my due process and constitutuional rights and committed massive "Attorney Misconduct". Does Kashmir Hill not know this? Can she Read?
So odd that Kenneth P. White, seems to be acting on the side of the good guy, when he is buddies with Marc Randazza, TRASHED and defamed blogger Crystal Cox exposing guys like John Steele ( Marc Randazza being one of them) and Kenneth White is with the Free Speech Coalition, and there is a lot to question there. Kenneth White and Brown, White & Newhouse are also named in Nevada RICO Racketering Case District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-MMD-VCF
"Steele and his firm are starting to run into serious problems. A few judges across the country have expressed concern about these types of lawsuits, and Internet service providers Comcast, Verizon and AT&T have resisted turning over subscriber information in these lawsuits to varying degrees, seeing it as a form of extortion for their customers.
Bloggers who have raised questions about the firm’s tactics — FightCopyrightTrolls and DieTrollDie — were recently sued by Prenda Law for defamation; they are being represented by attorneys at EFF, who say the lawsuits are “a blatant attempt to abuse the legal process to punish critics.”"
Marc Randazza and his "Firm" are running into some "SERIOUS Problem" as well, and so is Kashmir Hill and her Defamation, Stand by your Man tactics.
"A few judges across the country have expressed concern about these types of lawsuits" ~ Gee I hope they are IN Nevada where Rabid Randazza is Reigning King of Corruption. (in My OPINION).
"Bloggers who have raised questions about the firm’s tactics" Ya blogger like Crystal Cox, whom Kashmir Hill has Trashed, Lied about, Painted in False Light, harassed, defamed and ALL to Defend Attorney LIAR David S. Aman of Tonkon Torp Law Firm, and her EVIL buddy, Porn Attorney, Copyright Troll, LIAR Marc J. Randazza.
"were recently sued by Prenda Law for defamation; they are being represented by attorneys at EFF, who say the lawsuits are “a blatant attempt to abuse the legal process to punish critics" Sound Familiar, that is EXACTLY what Randazza Legal Group is doing to Silence Blogger Crystal Cox, except worse. They filed a legal action and shut down massive blogs, blog posts and stole domains from Inventor Eliot Bernstein and Blogger Crystal Cox with on fraud on the court motion, "injunction". With NO due process, no first amendment adjudication and no Equal, Lawful, Constitutional RIGHTS for Eliot Bernstein or Crystal Cox at all.
“a blatant attempt to abuse the legal process to punish critics" How can Kashmir Hill post this stuff, KNOWING full well that Randazza is doing this same thing to me, and she has THRASHED me for fight back.
Kashmir Hill is a Hypocrite and is seriously JADED as to what the TRUTH is.
Source of Quotes
Marc Randazza, Ronald Green, J. Malcom DeVoy and Randazza Legal Group SECRETS, Corruption, Unethical Behavior, and more will come out and Kashmir Hill is being SUED by Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox right along with them for her Massive Defamation with "Actual Malice". If ONLY Kashmir Hill did some "Fact Checking" before she Defamed PLAINTIFF Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.
"Marc Randazza Exploiting Children. Marc Randazza Extortion? "Copyright Troll Lawyers – Meet Porn Valley and Hollywood Extortionists – America’s Justice System Enables Them to Stalk, Bully and Blackmail YOU! They Also Enable Sex Trafficking of YOUR Daughters!!"
Fox Media Group, Desi Foxx Reports
John Steele, Prenda Law and Marc Randazza, Randazza Legal Group Exploiting Children
PLAINTIFF Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox is SUING Kashmir Hil and Forbes for Defamation. Kashmir Hill STANDS with Copyright Troll Lawyer Marc Randazza and AGAINST the Truth.
Cox v. Randazza, Forbes, Kashmir Hill and More District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Case Docket
District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF RICO / Racketeering / Defamation /
Harassment / Hate Crime Complaint Filing.,%20COX%20vs.%20Randazza.%20Racketeer/Corrupt%20Organization%20Jurisdiction:%20Diversity%20Case
I, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox have filed a RICO, Racketeering, Civil Conspiracy, Anti-Trust, Harassment, Defamation Case against Kashmir Hill, Forbes and others acting in conspiracy to silence my blogs exposing corruption, exposing the iViewit Technology theft and exposing unethical law firms such as Randazza Legal Group.
Kashmir Hill of Forbes broadcasts a defaming eMail that was sent by me in a private communication between "counsel", an email out of context. She made me look like a MONSTER over a blog that never existed.
I, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox am trying to make the world a better place and expose evil, expose corruption. Kashmir Hill of Forbes LIED about me, defamed me, lynched and this has ruined my business, my interpersonal relationships and in many ways my life. She was WRONG about me, she never spoke to me, she posted false information about me, based in the word of ONE Copyright Troll Attorney,
More Research Links to the Prenda Law
Nevada SLAPP Lawsuit, Free Speech Suppressing Lawsuit Marc Randazza V. Blogger Crystal Cox and Inventor Eliot Bernstein.
Marc Randazza, John Steele Prenda Law Research
Kashmir Hill, Crystal Cox Research Links
Tracy L. Coenen, the Fraud Files Blog - Tracy Coenen, SUED by Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox for Defamation, RICO, Racketeering and More.
Pro Se Plaintiff, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox v. Tracy L. Coenen
RICO, Racketeering, Defamation, Harassment, Civil Conspiracy, Anti-Trust Case, Hate Crime Violations, and more.. Filed by Plaintiff Crystal L. Cox
Tracy L. Coenen, the Fraud Files Blog - Tracy Coenen, SUED by Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, Here is the Docket
Plaintiff Blogger Crystal Cox v. Tracy L. Coenen and other Defendants, District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF Case Docket
Plaintiff Blogger Crystal Cox v. Tracy L. Coenen and other Defendants, District of Nevada 2:13-cv-00297-JCM-VCF RICO / Racketeering / Defamation /
Harassment / Hate Crime Complaint Filing.,%20COX%20vs.%20Randazza.%20Racketeer/Corrupt%20Organization%20Jurisdiction:%20Diversity%20Case
Posted by Plaintiff, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox
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